Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Computer Security System

Top Countries In which to be a Hacker:

Base on CriticalSecurity Website.

1) Canada: Their legal system is the most lenient in the world, and the average sentence length is also the shortest on Earth.

2) The Netherlands: This is the most free nation on earth in terms of personal liberties, and many websites such as thepiratebay have relocated to The Netherlands to safely run their servers without government interference. It's legal system is also particularly lenient, depending on what elements you're looking at and what your point of view is.

3) Any 3rd world nation: corruption is wide spread, white collar laws are seldom enforced, surveillance is usually non-exsistant and if you know how to make connections, or simply line the right pockets and grease the right wheels, I imagine you could do almost anything you wanted. A good example is Nigeria. However, safety is obviously a big issue in most third world countries, especially if your skin is the wrong color.

4) Any nation with a weak legal system: reasons are obvious.

5) South Korea: this nation somehow maintains the greatest number of phishing sites of any country in the world.

Possible Worst Nation to be a Hacker in: USA. The legal system and laws are more comprehensive, complex, numerous and wide reaching than any other country. The prison population is the highest in the world, per capita AND as a whole, there are more police per capita than any other nation, and there is widespread surveillance in both the public and private sector. The laws aren't the harshest in the world, but they are definitely up there and are very strictly enforced. As far as I know, many forms of hacking aren't considered white collar in this country. Also, minor offenses can result in felony crime charges, and spam can land you in prison for life.

[post made for entertainment purposes. moving to another country to hack is highly impractical unless you are sure you are going to be making large amounts of money]

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